Marine Fish Trade?


Fish Addict
Nov 14, 2005
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As prehaps some of u know i work in a fresh water fish shop, and we have just started a new supplier who also does marine fish and inverts to my joy :D.

Question is think they would be safe to put into my tank straight away as i dont have a hospital tank. now im about short of 5 kilos of LR but soon to be filled up with, a 15 watt uv running on it. think it would be safe or a mistake?

As they are selling orange female anthias at 5.99 each! so im very tempted.

But also im guna replace my cleaner shrimp with 2 new ones as they are only 6.99 each trade too! and a blood is 10 pound but they should be ok to put straight into the main tank u think?
I don't use a quarantine tank.

It seems to me that a quarantine tank doubles the stress for some fish.

Just be careful of the fish you buy; nothing with ich should be brought into the tank.

Also, you can't have more than 1 anthias in a 52 gallon tank; they are very social and would fight in a tank your size.

Also, :)

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