Marbles In Fry Tank


Fish Crazy
Oct 13, 2005
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hastings,east sussex
hi again i remember seeing a post about someone having marbles in there fry tank is this ok as i am thinking of doing the same but adding some fake plants too,also some one did post a picture of marbles in there tank if anyone knows were i can see it please tell me as id like to see what it will look like thanks in advance joe
Not the best idea, unless you are trying to keep the eggs away from the parents. The eggs will fall between the marbles into the bottom of the tank, doesn't really help because you want a flat surface.
Aye - marbles are for keeping the parents away from their eggs after laying. Typically breeding Zebra Danios is done in a tank with a marble substrate. Ideally, once the eggs are hatched the fry are carefully syphoned / turkey basted out of the breeding / hatching tank and put into a grow-out tank. Fish are curious (or stupid, you choose) and Ive often seen them get caught and die in tanks that have substrate made of heavy gravel. if they can get stuck in a crack anywhere, they will... its in their nature it seems. I can only assume that marbles would provide a similar obstacle.
Also, foo/ poo would get stuck in the gaps and rot, fouling the water. I'd say use only until the fry have used up yolk sacks.
a ball of java moss would give fry somewhere to hide from larger fish...

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