Marbled Or Silver


Fish Fanatic
Nov 2, 2008
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OK, i want some hatchet fish to finnish off my amazon set up and have read the marbles require softer water which i dont have, are the silvers the same??
i haven't kept the silver but when i have hade marble hatchets they seem to have a very weak resentment to ich.Bought them one day none of them had ich the next day all where dead with it.
disease shouldnt be an issue as ive never had any and i do have other fish that need specific water but seem fine so.. i think it going to have to be a gamble tbh.
OK, i want some hatchet fish to finnish off my amazon set up and have read the marbles require softer water which i dont have, are the silvers the same??

The Marbled and Silver Hatchets instore are both living in hard water with a ph of 7.6, and have been in stock for 13 days now

As said above they are known to get whitespot easily, but provided they aren't stressed during transport and are acclimatised slowly they should do fine.

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