Marbled Lobster With Lots Of Eggs


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2008
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Williamsburg, Virginia
I have a marbled lobster that I bought a couple of months ago. It has no health ailments or any other problems, eats everything a normal lobster should. About a week ago, I went on vacation, when I came back the lobster had hundreds of eggs under her tail! The lobster now mostly stays in the rock cave and doesn't come out, doesn't eat, and acts aggresive next to other fish, is this normal? Is there anything I should be awared of fish eating the eggs or small lobster? If there is anything I should know please tell me. Thx
I have a marbled lobster that I bought a couple of months ago. It has no health ailments or any other problems, eats everything a normal lobster should. About a week ago, I went on vacation, when I came back the lobster had hundreds of eggs under her tail! The lobster now mostly stays in the rock cave and doesn't come out, doesn't eat, and acts aggresive next to other fish, is this normal? Is there anything I should be awared of fish eating the eggs or small lobster? If there is anything I should know please tell me. Thx

I would not worry too much. they will all get eaten. Marbles are know as Cannibals. and there should be no problem with your fish eating the fry. yep, aggression, is normal for any cray in berry, same with the lethargy.
Update! The eggs are now all little lobsters! :) they are attached to the underside of the mommy lobster's tail there are at least 100! What should I do to insure minimum fatality? :look:
Unless you have people lined up to give them to i wouldn't bother trying to save them.

They are very prolific and as they reproduce asexually you will quickly be over run with crayfish.
sadly most will not make it unless you seperate them immediatly upon release from the mother....they will fight and eat each other even at such a small size.
Update! All lobsters have detached from the mother and are living life! I fed them some chiclid pellets, the bad news is the mother has died :rip:. Anything that will insure most of they're survival?
yes seperate them.

but trust me you dont want them all to survive!! id just hold back five or six, split them up and let the rest fight it out, survival of the fittest and all that :)
If all the eggs are eaten then how do these lobsters reproduce?

the aquatic world could only hope, they could not! thing is, you only need one to survive. shame they taste so bad, then they could, at least, be of some use.

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