Marbled Hatchetfish ?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 24, 2004
Reaction score
Burlington Ontario Canada
This is a question to all Marbled Hatchetfish owners.
What do you feed yours?
I usually feed mine flake food and one or twice a week they get some kind of frozen food. I find the frozen food sinks too quickly and the hatchets get very little or no food at all.
So what to you all feed yours?
Thanks for all your help.
Ahh, food for hatchetfish. I know the marble hatchet fish would take flakes but I also know that they would do better if you can supply some kind of live food. Best one among that is fruits flys, I myself try to get the culture of wingless kind at the moment.
I also did feed some small mealworms which is supposed to be for the reptiles but I ended up getting them from the Aquarium auction with other food. So I tried to feed them to the Angels and the Marble Hatchet did gobbled up also. It was funny that worm is big enough that it made them look like they are having ciger.
I also fed them live adult brine shrimps when I got them from the store. Also I heard they would eat the daphinia, I will try when I get some. I also tried some worms but they usually sink too fast for them.

Ideally, the small insect is good for them. And I am try to get some fruits fly culture. Anyway, whatever the live food you give them, you have to make sure they are safe. No pesticide, chemical and diseace.

Good luck with your marbles.
Basically I'd say exactly the same as the above, in fact right now I have some mealworms in a tubs for my fish. Not a good staple though, as a treat they are fine.
My hatchets favourite are live 'pin head crickets' for reptiles (0.5mm-1cm in size), and frozen white mosquito larvae (it floats so they get it before the other fish).
I think you can get some fruit flies by just leaving some fruit out for a day then putting it in a paper bag until the flies hatch. I think a grapefruit cut in half works really well, but they will not be wingless flies.
Thanks for all the help.
I will look for some pinhead crickets next time I am at the pet store.
Where do you get the wingless fruit flies from? Do you buy them or just leave the fruit out?
Thanks again
Thanks for all the help.
I will look for some pinhead crickets next time I am at the pet store.
Where do you get the wingless fruit flies from? Do you but them or just leave the fruit out?
Thanks again

Wingless fruit flies are a special strain of flies specifically bred to be wingless, so like the previous person said there is no chance of catching wingless flies with fruit outside. Wingless are found at some petshops. You could always catch flies with fruit then pick their wings off yourself so they don't fly away when you throw them in the tank... a bit tedious but it can be done.
Ohhh, picking the wings off of flies. What memories of that I have. Used to do it for some gouramis I had as a child. The fish, they love them!
flightless fruit flys are not all they are cracked up to be. they breed freely with any winged fruit fly that comes by, and soon all the flys you breed are flying again. also they don't breed as well as the ones that fly. they tend to die out after 3 or four generations. I breed the flying type. they only live for like a week with out food, so the ones that escape won't go far. just put a banana peal beside the tank, and they will hang around that instead of flying around the house. then just catch them or what ever.

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