Marbled Goby's?


New Member
Feb 10, 2003
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I was wondering if anyone has any experience wit marbled goby's?
Hi Mooga! Yes, a few months back I acquired a marbled goby. It was nothing that I had planned on getting, bought it on impulse at the LFS. It was just a small fish, only about 1.5 inches at the time. As I also keep saltwater fish, I was familiar with saltwater gobies which are generally small fish, don't bother anything, so I felt comfortable with my purchase. WHOOPS!
I began asking on this forum if anyone had any info on marbled gobies. The info I got back shocked me. Scientific name oxyeleotris marmoratus. They can reach lengths of up to 20 inches and are aggressive predators. They are brackish water fish, so appreciate a little salt in their water. The size thing is what startled me.....I thought that the fish I had just bought was an adult! But I really liked the fish, and I have the space and facilities to keep it, so I figured what the heck. This little fish quickly learned exactly when feeding times were, and would always be hovering front and center trying to get my attention. His efforts combined with his good looks made him one of my favorite fish, and I looked forward to watching him grow.
My mistake came out of my good intentioned attempt to control some algae in his tank. The goby would grab food out of the water column, but wasn't too keen about picking up food off of the bottom. These bits of decaying food would encourage algae growth, so my thinking was to introduce some small cory cats (I have quite a supply of them :) ) to pick up uneaten bits of food. The goby actually got one of the corys in his mouth. He was not able to swallow him, though, nor was I able to get the cory out myself. It was stuck. After waiting a day to see if he could somehow get himself freed, I ended up having to euthanize him. :-( If you already have one of these fish, or are considering getting one, be aware that their mouth (by virtue of their being highly predatory animals) is larger than it appears, and it is their nature to eat tankmates that they deem small enough to fit in their mouth, whether or not they are able to swallow it or not. :dunno:

After all this, though, I would probably try keeping one again if I had the chance. They really are a personable fish when small, and I was looking forward to watching mine grow large, seeing if his personality would grow along with him.

Is this a fish you have already, mooga? Or just researching?
Oh thats so sad about your marbled sleaper fishdudin, i remember heping you out with that one some time ago :-(
Ive not had the pleasure of actually seeing one in the flesh yet, though you can be sure the first time i do there will be another tank being set up to house one, i love both gobies and big predators so they are almost like a perfect fish for me.

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