Marble Hatchets


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2007
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
finally my lfs has these in stock so i bought 6 of the cool dudes :good:

anyone got any of these? what are they like? how and what is best to feed them on?


hi Jonno

iv keept them before there very peicefull fish and mostly hang about the surface and they can jump.
they eat a number of foods that are on the surface flake ,Black, mosquito larvae, blood worms, or brine shrimp ,daphnia (either live or frozen) :good:
I've got 5, lovely fish, very peacfull. They do stay at the top a lot, but sometimes go down a little. I feed them flake, frozen foods (bloodworm, daphnia,). Freeze dryed bllodworm is good as it floats so they can readily get it.

Heres a clip of mine, loving the flow when i put a new filter in:
I would think they would enjoy live caught mosquitos, etc during the summer time when they flourish.

Regarding the video - Wow! I didn't know hatchets went around that far down in the tank like that. :hyper: Now I want some!

BTW - What was going on with the sound? Do you live in a war zone or what? :crazy:
A friend of mine had some a while back. They are great entertaining community fish. Beware though, they are some of the most notorious jumpers so you will want a secure hood.

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