Marble Died


New Member
Feb 23, 2006
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My Marble Birchir died last night. He still hadnt eaten from when we got him. MY heater also went mental when i got tin the glass on it had cracked and the tank was sitting at 35!!! Fish looked unhappy but after about 4 hours i got it back down to normal (i didnt want to quickly reduce it back) They all seemed happy the Cat and sengal ate then an hour later the marble was belly up.

i sat with him for around an hour holding him upright. He came round a bit but then seemed to give up. Rather than stress him out to the max i sat him on some sand so he could stay upright and left with the lights off. Poor little guy gave up tho so he was dead when i checked on him again.

Just wish i could have got him to eat :(

Im dreading going back today i hope the Cat is ok :(
Very sorry to hear.
im getting a marble soon, its not nice when things die.
Thinking about you
yup so sad! my ornate to dosent it! but thank god it eats now! but my betta left me! and so sad! :-(
gud luck w/ ur cat! :good:
Thanks all, Red tail and sengal are both fine now. They never say no to food so no worries there.


so SAD!!!

was he skinny and bloated?

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