Fish Addict
About 6 months ago I purchased 12 marble juvies and recieved 13. I wanted these in hopes of getting amated pair eventually. After a month I sold the ones that just werent up to my standards which left me with 7. I can now say that after 6 months I have at least two pair. I know this because two of them are now gravid. Ill have to watch a little more closely now to be sure who the mates are. Even more good news!! My koi angels have spawned again!! I lost the first 3 to them eating the eggs and bad water in my hatching tank for the third. Well I have supreme conditions and moved them in. Lets keep our fingers crossed. Ready for more good news? I bought 2 more koi angels. These are about nickel in size. My lfs called me last nite at 10pm to tell me he got them in. Only took him 4 months. I didnt need anymore fish but I bought them anyway. I told my wife they were for her since she loved my breeders so much.