Marbeled Hatchets


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
Hi, I've been looking for marbled hatchets for like six months and I finally found some. I bought six two days ago and by this morning there are only two left! They are/were in my 29g platy and swordtail planted tank. I tested my water and the params are normal. All the other fish are fine. There is a small amount of salt in the water for my livebearers, could this be doing it? Thank you.
yes, I've learned that most surface fish don't do well with a hanging filter. My betta and my golden killi have done ok (thank heavens), except the female killi couldn't take it. Hatchets are also not the hardiest characins IMO. You may just have to keep stocking a few at a time, but it's best not to have them in with a surface action filter - or aggressive fish.
oh and when adding fish to a slightly saline tank, I strongly suggest adding some tank water to the bag while you acclimate the new fish. This will help avoid "salt shock".
Hatchet in general and Marbled Hatchets especailly suffer from stress very badly. If they had only just arrived at the lfs and then been moved to your tank that may have done it. IME they do like a surface current, mine hang in the current line all the time.

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