Maracyn 2


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2005
Reaction score
California USA
I have a platy that isn't as lively anymore he hangs in the surface alot and moves around very rarely. He rarely eats anymore but I got him to eat some blood worms today. So is Maracyn 2 the best product to use for this case?


Broad-spectrum, nontoxic antibiotic tablets for infections of fin and tail rot, popeye, gill disease, dropsy, septicemia, secondary and internal infections. Effective even when fish won't eat in freshwater aquariums. No water changes, pH, or temperature adjustments necessary if readings are in ideal range.

1 Gallon Dosage:
For one round, dissolve one tablet into 10 teaspoons of water. For first day, add 2 teaspoons of concentrated mixture per 1 gallon of water. For days 2-5, add 1 teaspoon of the concentrate per 1 gallon of water.

Manufacturer: Mardel Labs
I wouldn't treat unless you can tell what's wrong, because sometimes it can do more harm then good.

Does he have any other outward signs of disease that you can tell? Is there enough oxygen in the water? Anything that can stress him out in the tank? And what are your water params?

I'd try to do a water change first. However, being listless can be a sign of internal parasites, or gill flukes. Does he have white stringy poo, or do his gills look red or inflammed?

Sorry for all the questions. :*)
well one of my platy has really stringy poo, it was long. but she eats fine. I found yesterday that my tank ammonia level is 0.25. I was treating ich recently so I was doing water changes like everyday so I shouldn't have ammonia problems. I checked my tap water and the ammonia level was 1.0 I never saw it this high before! it's was always 0ppm before. What should I do? I sounds wrong so I did a number of tests and it was still the same results. I live in the city of oakland in CA, so they shouldn't have water problems like this! Should I use RO water instead? It's going to cost me a lot more.
I'd do water changes to get it down. See if your Platy improves at all..though if she has stringy poo, it could be internal parasites. Is it white?

As for the ammonia in the tap water...I have no clue. You'll have to wait for someone else to come along who knows more about RO water. :)
I remember testing ammonia when I had ich it was 0pmm. I don't get! Ammonia shouldn't be in tap water period right? It wouldn't be safe for people to drink right?
I had my tank for 6 months now, it should be completely cycled now since most of my fishes died off from ich a couple of weeks ago, I only have two platies left. Maybe I should talk to my LFS they should notice the same problem.


Maybe I am doing something wrong with my water testing so I'll type it out step by step:
I have RED SEA AMMONIA TEST: this is going to be for my tap water testing:

First the rinse off the test tube with tap water.

Dry it out with a tissue paper

But 3ml of water in tube

Put a teaspoon full of NH3 and NH4 (reagent A)

5 drops for NH3 and NH4 (reagent B )

shake and wait for 15min

ppm came out as 1.0 (green) I usually get 0pmm (yellow)

This is the part I am confused about after that the directions says to look at the chart
they have given to calculate level of toxic Ammonia

Table is a Percentage of toxic Ammonia at different temperatures and ph values.
my ph is 8 and temp is 79F so the chart points to 5.8 as my values....
anyone get this?
I don't, Thats why I always try to keep my ammonia at 0pmm and ignore the chart.

Sorry about confusing you guys, Im confused too. Please help
does any one else have ammonia in their tap water? Still looking for help! How am I going to do water changes from now on?
I think I solved my own problem,I found this on another forum.

"There may be a chance of ammonia being in your tapwater (if it contains chloramine)" because chlormaine is a chlorine + ammonia bond.

"i had a very similar problem with my tap water. Basically what i did is got my tank "cycled with bio spira ( it took me 2 days for all the ammonia to go to 0 ) and once it was cycled the water was fine, and just make sure when you do water changes you dont do one huge 50% water change you do like 10% water change just more often. My thread got lots of replies so if i were you i would read it. Got to search, type- tap water ammonia, go down the list of results ( should be 4 down ) and all your info is there

Here is the site, hope it helps some one else.

So first i'll get some RO water that has little/no ammonia reading and change 25 percent of my water with it. after that I'll get bio spira to cycle the tank a little.

Sounds good with you guys?

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