Cheer up, the worst is yet to come. ~ P. Johnson
Read on one of the dutch newssites today that Manhunt 2 has been banned for being too violent/based on violence only. Must say I was quite surprised to see any game be rejected by the BBFC, it's not like you can't see the violence on tv. Though, to be very honest, I can't say I mind that it won't be available (commonly) in the UK... not really my type of game anyway.
For those interested, the BBFC website 'press' release can be found here:
just a quote from the website:
For those interested, the BBFC website 'press' release can be found here:
just a quote from the website:
This is the first video game to be refused a classification since Carmageddon in 1997, when that decision was overturned on appeal by the Video Appeals Committee.