Mandarin and mobile coral.


Marine Moderator
Jun 11, 2004
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Ok well here is a few pictures of my wifes Mandarin ( its hers as its HER tanks so she lies to remind me.. ok so she can do the water changes! :whistle: )

I will say now that i DO NOT recomend keeping a mandarin in a 10 gallon nano unless you are sure the mandarin is eating frozen foods or it will simply starve due to the lack of livefood.
This is a male mandarin, tank bred and quite large. You can also see just how tiny the clowns are in comparison to this mandarin!



Ok and now the coral...
A friend of mine recently gave me a frag of a coral that he had glued to an old shell. I placed this in a prime location in the nano tank and thought no more of it. A few days lateri noticed the coral was moving across the liverock :eek: :eek: :unsure: On close inspection i saw that one of the bluelegs had decided to move into this shell... it is far far too large for this ambitious little devil yet he is happily lugging this shell around with coral stuck fast on top. i cannot remove the crab now or remove the coral so i guess its a case of watching how things develop. :/



Thats all for now, hope you enjoyed them.
Wow, when you showed us your first pics of the nano the clowns looked alot large, but there soo small! Heheh

And that blue legs sounds like he bit off more than he can chew! Hahaha :rofl: What a cutie!
Hehehehe.... nice coral :) I got a piece of Xenia from a local club meet, and it was glued onto an old shell. Luckily, the shell I have would require a monster hermit crab to pick up and move :D

Good luck getting that guy out... I hope there's nothing in that tank that can sting that coral!
That's really funny about the hermit taking over that shell :lol:

I love your mandarin!!! I wish I'd thought to get one that was eating prepared foods, they're my favorite fish. I'm awful happy with my clown though :wub:
BEEP BEEP..coming thru!!!! WIDE LOAD!. He he...wtg Navarre. SH
Navarre do TMC breed Mandarins? i never thought they were a tank bred fish?
No they are not TMC bred. I actually dont know where they came from but i can find out. They were in Tuanton aquarium center and all their mandarins are captive and eating frozen foods
If you could find out that would be great, would love one in my 25 gallon.

I saw a Huge one today, really nice and fat and eating frozen but way too big for my size tank, he was Huge!

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