Males Of Two Different Species


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2008
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Nova Scotia
So I'm planning on getting a new fish for my 30 gal, but the fish I'm planning on putting in are cichlids, and I'm planning on breeding them. It currently has a few zebra danios, harlequin rasboras and a pearl gourami.
I have another 45 gal, but it currently has a blue gourami.
My question is, would they be alright to live together? I know for a fact that it's not uncommon to have two male gourami fight to possible death, but I've only had this happen when I had two of the same species, what would happen if I put the pearl in with the blue ? Would there be any aggression?
No I think every thing should be fine

I disagree. The blue may accept the pearl and it may not. Blue gouramis can be nasty, more so males but females too. My blue male won't accept any other gourami of any type in the tank with him. Are they similar sizes OP? Only one way to find out really and that's to try them together! Let us know the outcome please.
I'm with crazychris on this, my too Moonlight females attacked and killed a fellow female dwarf blue, the male was left alone. After he passed away I got a Male Op (thanks to a fellow TTF) and he now keeps the girls in check. Most males are very territorial so you may find as they get older the problems will start. I would stick to one male, 2 to 3 female ratio. Hope this helps and saves you from any possible future problems. :good:
It also depends a lot on your layout. Gouramis like to establish territories with physical boundaries (rocks, plants, wood). And definitively there will be some bickering in the beginning but theoritically your tank is big enough for 2 gouramis.
Have to agree with chris, it could be possible as there always exceptions to the rule. However introducing a male of another type of Gourami into another males established territory will be hard. One thing that you could try doing before you move him is completely rearrange the tank that they will both be in this way it will be new to both fish and the Blue will not have had time to completely establish his territory.

Again it depends on the nature of the fish, blue are rather grumpy generally but you can get the few who are docile. It could work gfive it a try. If it gets nasty or you notice marks on either gouramis or missing scales then take him back out asap



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