Male Turquoise Dwarf Gourami In A Community Tank?


New Member
Jul 1, 2019
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I am new to the hobby and recently set up a 29 gallon tank. I have 7 male fancy guppies and 8 rummynose tetras (all of which are doing great). This is day 2 of adding a male dwarf gourami to the mix. Im having A LOT of anxiety after reading a lot about the aggressiveness of dwarf gouramis(not just to other male DG) and read that a honey gourami would be a much better member to my community tank. So far the DG keeps to himself 100% of the time and just glides up and down the walls of the aquarium. The only time I saw him go after a fish was when 2 tetras approached him, but he simply darted towards them to make them not come any closer. So all in all he hasnt shown any aggressive behavior, Im not sure if that comes with getting bigger/older or if I found a peaceful DG. I will mention I have VERY bad anxiety in general and really want my fish to be happy. Any and all responses are welcomed. (was also thinking of adding a single Bristlenose Pleco to the group but I am not sure if this would overstock my tank.) Thanks!
10 gallons at the absolute minimum, for the bristlenose but 20 or 30 gallon to be safe. Not sure about the gourami sorry might need someone else to help.
I have had a couple in my early years, and I have never really had a problem with them being aggressive.

If you are worried about keeping your fish happy and healthy, just make sure you keep up on your maintenance, water changes ect. keep the water parameters as stable as you can and keep trying to learn and asking questions. you'll be just fine. :)
My daughter has a 90l tank in her bedroom which has guppies (Two adults males and something like a dozen smaller fry), 6 Neon Tetra and 5 Peppered Corys. Last week we added two Cobalt Blue Dwarf Gourami which have settled in well. I suspect they're the same/similar to the Dwarf Gourami you have.

The only observation I have on your situation is that having one means that it might be more skittish as its on its own and has no company of its own species, so it might be happier with another one.
Hello, and welcome to the forum! :hi:

Dwarf Gouramis Are the best community Gourami I know of.

Definitely no kissing Gourami’s. They are very aggressive.

I hope this helped, and good luck!

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