Male Platy Killing Females


Fish Fanatic
Jun 19, 2009
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my male platy is very nasty to my females. Ive had this before and he stressed 2 females out so much they died. Ive looked in my tank 2nite and he has done the same thing again. How can i stop him from being a bully and killing the females? I havent got anything to put the male in to seperate him please help me save my feamles :sad:
Rehome him but then you are just passing the problem onto someone else.

Do you have a petition you can seperate the tank in half.
i havent got anything. my female is really bad! do u think i should just kill the male?
if u need an emergency confinement for him while you buy a trap/net/divider, get the biggest bottle you can find, cut off the bottom, punch some small holes in the sides (i used a knife but you can use a needle, etc. as long as the holes arent too big), take off the cap and place it over him, burying it in the gravel a bit. that only works if the bottle can reach the bottom and the bottle is wide enough for him to comfortably fit in.
good luck :good:
Do you have a breeder box that you can issolate him to at the top of the tank.
Is there plenty of hiding spaces in the tank for the females to escape to.
If not a ice cream box with a net over the top.

No don't kill him. Not nice I know but he just needs seperating.
its a tough choice for you - if you sell him/give him back to ur lfs, he will just bother someone else and if you keep him, he will annoy you :shout: :crazy: :X :/ -_- , but just put up with it for a while and seperate him from any females
there is plenty of places to hide but he keeps going for the same female. Ive got a net with platys fry in and ive got a floating trap with cory babys in. My tank is only 30lt i havent got enough room to put him in anything. he is being a real pain and wont stop
Is there a lid to the floating trap. If so I would add the corys to the tank.
Or try the bottle method like iffles has recommended.
If you leave him in the tank then you're going to have another dead female platy -
which seems abit tough on her .....
I would remove him from the tank - my second priority would be where to put him :sad:

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