Male or Female?


New Member
Oct 8, 2003
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South Jersey
Hi all.
Anyone have any tips or suggestions on how to determine the sexes of fry? I just set up a 10 gallon growing tank (his and her sides) and I have the daunting task of seperating about 100 fry ranging in age from 2 days to 30. Any help would be appreciated.
Well, since your name is "guppyFANatic", I will assume your talking about Guppy fry.....Supposedly, the gravid spot in female guppies will show up at about one month, but I have never been able to figure out from that. I have seen full grown males with gravid spots, so????? :S

Normally, the males bodies will color up, while the females don't. However, I have had beautifully colored females, so??? :crazy:

The best way is to simply wait until the males produce gonopodiums (between 1 and 2 months). Then you simply pull out the males. Prior to this, they have no chance of breeding anyway, so no problem if that's your concern.

HTH :)
Mamaschild said:
The best way is to simply wait until the males produce gonopodiums (between 1 and 2 months). Then you simply pull out the males. Prior to this, they have no chance of breeding anyway, so no problem if that's your concern.
Do other livebearer fry develop the gonopodiums at the same time?

aka Lizard
Unfortunately, No....I have had Swordtails that I SWORE were females, then at about 6 months, they got a sword and gonopodium. From my experience, they mature in this order......quickest would have to be Platies. I can tell male from female at as little as 1-2 months. Then Guppies, then Swordtails. Not much experience with Mollies, so can't say about them.


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