male or female? pregnant or just fat?


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2005
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England, Hampshire

how can you tell if your castfish are male or female?

how can you tell if they are full or eggs or just eating too much?

some of our catfish's look like they have swallowed marbles
With thousands of catfish species in just about every shape imaginable, you're going to have to be a bit more specific....
I think you are talking about corys here, swap the "catfish" for "cory" and people will at least know what family of catfish you are talking about- basically with corys it is hard to tell but males will be smaller and slimmer than the females while the females are larger and more robust looking.
Its difficult to know exactly wether a female corys has eggs of not but she has to be at least 2inchs in length before she can have them for most corys, and albino ones will go darker on the underneif of their stomach when they have eggs but thats about it.

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