Male Molly harrassing?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 28, 2004
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Hey there,

I have just gotten a beautiful peaceful Blue opaline Gourami, he was introduced slowly in my tank today, and since he has been fully in the thank its appears my male molly is harrassing him!! :sad:
He is swimming side by side with him, and trying to nip at him, his fin is also raised like he is aggression mode. He is the only molly I have and he is male.

Will a female molly fix this problem? or is it jsut because he is marking his grounds with the new fish on the block?
Thanks in advance
You probably don't want to hear this but I had gold gouramis and I added a few mollies, male and female and they killed them! :crazy: Adding females may work, but my females are often worse bullies than the males. -_- Do you another tank they could be moved to? Hope it all works out. :)
if you dont want babies every 28 days or so I sure wouldnt buy a female molly them are one kind of fish I wish I had never seen I got so many babies I dont know what to do with them all males are a little mean I would try adding another male mabey they will run together I dont know it is just a thought :dunno: :dunno: :crazy:
My new molly is a male and he tries to have a go at my golden gourami, but he's bigger than the molly so he just swims off. i dont know whether putting a female in will help. i have a female in mine too and he just chases her aswell, and for some reason so does the gourami?? i think it would be best if you had another tank to put the molly in or make some more hidding places for the gourami to hide away from the molly??
Good luck! im sure everything will be okay in the end?!
I had a male Robin Gourami who kept getting chased by a big black male molly in my tank, but after a few weeks, I think they must have come to some arrangement, because the antagonism just stopped. Don't worry, fish usually seem to take a few weeks after some sort of change just to re-establish the pecking order.

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