Male Mollies


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
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Hey guys i have a question, i never owned mollies before and my friend gave me about 6 male mollies all male!
is this safe to keep them? this is the setup.

6 mollie males
1 female balloon mollie
2 male platies
2 female platies

once i get rid of my red eye tetras, they will be moved into the biger tank, there i will add more female platies and 1 more balloon female.

is this setup going to be fine? suggestions pls!
With mollies you should have 1 male to 2 or 3 females. If you havent enough females they will be harassed all the time by the males. I have 2 male dalmation molly males in my house tank and they play together but if i put females in there i would have to put 5 or 6. See what i mean-either keep all males or cut down on the amount of males and have more females.....
That female balloon molly will be stressed out to hell soon with all them males :(
That female balloon molly will be stressed out to hell soon with all them males :(

Absolutely. Is there another tank you can put her in temporarily? You either need to give her away and not buy another female when you switch tanks (unless you are going to buy at least ten females with the six males) or else give away all but one of the males. Or you could put her in a different tank from the males. Even one male one female is not ideal but it's way better than one female six males. In livebearer society, the presence of a female near a male indicates interest in mating. Because she can't leave (being trapped inside an aquarium) they will presume she is interested and drive her insane. I have seen females actually killed by the stress of being continually pursued by a mob of males over several weeks.
i'm getting rid of some fish soon i will give away some males then.
i would be willing to sale you all the females i have in my tank if you want them just let me know

sorry i just seen how far away you are if you can find out how to ship them we can talk but i dont know how

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