male living with females


New Member
Sep 13, 2003
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Hi, I have a ten gallon tank with 5 females in it. I was keeping a male in a breeding nest in the tank for a few days until I was able to get im his own 1gallon tank. last night I put him in the 1gal and he did not want to eat and just sort of stared off into space sitting at the bottem unless I was paying attention to him. He was doing this again today so I put him in with the females to cheer him up a bit and they all seem to be doing fine. He's been in there for about 3 hours now and not hurting the females, just showing off a bit flaring his fins now and then. Do you think he can live in there with them? Mabie now that he knows these girls He won't try to kill them what do you guys think?
Firstly FrankSlapperinni why shut up??/

Ok to answer your question...what you can do is simply find out...Well release him and if he doesn't attack or the females don't attack him in an hour or so leave him if not remove him. ;)
I read your post wrong...well if there is no trouble then well there shouldn't be any my betta lived with 4 females peacefully :D
FrankSlapperinni if your talking about his/her topics then he/she has already apologized in a different topic ;)
I'm going to give a shot at translation of American Slang....(Very tricky, and sometimes very offending to non-Americans!!! :D ) Shut Up in America is mostly because he can't believe it, its out ragous, or its really neat that he can't imagine it. LOL, thats from teh depths of my mind!!!!

Anyways, OMG, I want to do that, have a bunch of famels with a male. I know of people that have 2 males together, but never 5 females to 1 male!!
Lol Ron... the "SHUT UP!!!" is more effective in real life, when accompanied by an Elaine (Seinfeld) shove square in the chest!!! :lol:
LOL, you watch that show too? Thast the greatest!! I never mess an episode. Yea, I agree with teh in-person effect of the SHUT UP!!! I get it all teh time!!
P.S. Guess what Im watching right now? :lol: SEINFELD

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