Male Help

Astral Delphi

New Member
Oct 19, 2005
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my male betta wont biuld a nest..i put a styrofoam cup in it and he blows bubbles but they pop immediatly, so i put leaves and he refuses to make a nest beneath them..what do i do..? and yes i have a female in a tank right beside him.
Sometimes that happens to mine. Usually it is in a new tank, I don't know the reasons.It could also be too much water flow if you have a filter running.
check the water, I forget where i heard this but I've heard that PH can affect how the bubbles stay... but i think its clear i cant quite remember, so just check everything, make sure that everything tests good, im just PRETTY sure it was PH that they said. I dont know, I never had a problem, only heard of it.
raeburter - please don't be so harsh. Everyone is a beginner at some point.

Try adding some indian almond leaf or blackwater extract that will help a little.

Sometimes it takes practice.
no need to do anything fancy really. make sure you have a lid on your nest and the temperature is 82-84 degrees. The bubbles need humidity. i find my bettas like to build their nests under vegetation. in my tanks i have duckweed and water lettuce. the roots and leaves from the top dweling plants will secure his nest... these plants will also serve as a source of food for the fry (yummy micro organisms feed off the roots of the plants which in turn are gobbled up by the fry). And turn the filter right off. the slightest current could destroy a nest. as a bonus the still water will grow a very thin film of micro organisms at the top which are a great food source for newborn top dwelling fry...
sometimes people like to see nests because they take it as a sign that the betta is healthy and happy. i always enjoy finding nests in my boys' tanks, but that doesn't necessarily mean i plan to or wish to breed them :) i coudn't possibly raise that many spawns ;)
Some males don't like the cups. You can try a little circle or square of bubblewrap, or wax paper, really even a tupperware lid if its teeny enough. I do have some picky males, so use whatever works. Some only make nests in completely still, shallow water too
As you are new to the forum, we don't know if you're new to breeding or if you already know what you are doing. With that in mind, what types of bettas are they? Where did you get the pair? Do you know how old they are? What size tank are you using for spawning? Tell us about the setup. Do you have any kind of filtration or aeration running on the spawning tank? What temp are you keeping the tank at? Does the tank have a secure lid? Have you conditioned the pair prior to putting them together? Did you just put the female straight into the tank with the male, or is she separated from him physically but still visible (on other side of a divider or in a floating container, etc)?
why are we all assuming the worst..... he never mentioned why he wanted a bubble nest, like said before, maybe he just wants him to blow a nest so he knows he is happy.......... geez :grr:

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