Male Guppy


New Member
Feb 12, 2009
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hi, im looking for some help. My male guppy keeps getting black spots that u can see on both sides that appear and disappear. I am certain that it is a male cause i selected from the male tank at petco.. any ideas?? oh the black spot is near the butt area

How many gallon or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Do you have any snails in the tank.
just because a fish came out of a tank with a male sign on, doesn't mean it's a male. Can you post a pic of the fish and we will tell you if it's a boy or girl?
Females produce a dark coloured patch behind their belly when they are carrying young.
i've experienced this too, actually it just happened and its the strangest thing. one minute i noticed a dot a bit above where it the gravid spot would be on a female, it seemed to go through to the other side but was only visible when veiwing him from the side, i know he's male because he has a anal fin and chases the females around. a minute later it was much lighter, and now its gone, he seems fine and i'm more curious than concerned, but will update you if i notice anything else

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