Male Guppy With Fin Rot And Camallanus Worms Possibly!?!


Mostly New Member
Jan 5, 2014
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Hi, I'm really worried. My guppy that I've had for about 4 months in a 10 gallon with 4 other male guppies and nothing else is acting strange. I moved two guppies that had been in their own 5 gallon tank for 2 months over to my 10 gallon about 2-3 weeks ago. My guppy had a rocky relationship with the two newbies originally, but recovered, schooled for a few days, and now is acting strange. First off, I believe I have a plague of fin rot. All of my guppies have jagged, pointy tail tips, but other that that are fine. Then there is this one guy. He is floating around at the top, not responding when I tap the tank, but he'll swim off when I use the net. He also has a little red thing sticking out of his butt. It has been there for a few days, I didn't think much of it until now. Now I believe it may be Camallanus Worms, but none of the other guppies are showing any sign of it. All of my guppies are males, and there is only fake foliage and two clay pots (caves) in my tank. My tank is ten gallons, 76 degrees Farenheit, and is densely planted. My guy isn't gasping, and I did a water change 3 days ago. I dechlorinated the water before I put it in, I always have. The tank isn't heated currently (my heater is having...  issues) and was never filtered. I can get pics up in a few minutes when I find the cord. Help?

My guppies are fancies, and I can't go get medicine, the roads are so bad only emergencies are allowed to go out on the road. In my opinion, this constitutes as an emergency, but apparenty, it isn't to the police, sooo...

Oh, and there was only one death ever, on the first night I had them. Probably stress from travel or something, I don't believe he was sick, and if he was, the diseases would remain dormant for so long.

And my tank is fully cycled, going to test ASAP.
He just died.
He is in a plastic bag, buried in snow until the thaw, so I can give him proper rights.
I am keeping a close eye on the others.
I would do a water change. I would guess he had camalanus worms, I had a really bad outbreak and I think I got it under control, so do a fairly big water change.  Wait two days, do it again.  If possible do a full water change, guppies are pretty hardy, so you can aclimate them or not, they should be fine if the water is safe. 
Thats what I'm doing. None of the other fish are showing any signs of infection, and water changes never killed a fish (at least, not for me)
Ok, although they may not be showing signs they could still have it, the worm can stay dormant for a while, or so I have read. I would not get any new fish and continue to do weekly water changes, about 30%.  Hopefully you can get the worms out.  I have had my fish (20 guppy fry and 4 tetras) in their own tanks and wash the substrate and do water changes every 1-2 weeks. I believe they are safe but I wont be adding anything for a while. 
Alright, thanks! I already do weekly water changes, so that won't be too much of a burden. And I'll start vacuuming the gravel weekly too, and hopefully these dastardly worms will all die.
I was wondering, for the fin rot, would API Aquarium Salt do anything?
salt may help if not fungal infection solution 

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