Male Guppy Problem


New Member
Feb 24, 2007
Reaction score
Maryland, US
Hello i have a male guppy who seem to be having some trouble.

1. his body look like its crooked or an S shape,
2. his fin looks like its been nipped or maybe some fin rot (tail initially was orange, but started to become ragged, part are now grey/clear and black strips or areas around the ends)
3. its belly seem to be more extending then usual, and also scratches itself on objects and swims wildly from time to time.
4. some blackness around the mouth

Any ideas?

also, i had a case of apparent parasite attack that is slowly clearing :crazy:


Nitrate- about 30ppm
Nitrite- 2.0 ppm <--working on bring it down
GH - about 100ppm
KH - about 120ppm
PH - 7.6
temmp. currently 77-78 F

Tank 10 gallon
1 male, 1 female guppy
1male, 1 female balloon molly
1 sunset platy
Bad water stats that's why he's ill, how long has the tank been set up.
The black patches are ammonia burns that are healing.
Don't like the sound of him being in a s shape, do you mean a bent spine.
Fish will flick and rub in bad water quality.
Can you issolate him he's not going to make it the bad water quality took it toll on the fish.
i have put him in a separate tank, and i checked the ammonia earlier today and they were high, about 1.5ppm. i immediately treated and did a water change and added salt. is there anything else i can do? and yes it looks like a bent spine. is thaat the result of the ammonia?
Ammonia dosn't cause bent spines but it won't help with a fish healing.
Looking at internal parasites to fish tb.
Just going to leave you a link to a tb site just to look out for symtoms, as he was not born with a bent spine.

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