Male guppies with poorly Fins


Fish Crazy
Oct 19, 2004
Reaction score
Grimsby, N.E. Lincs, UK
Hi guys, this isnt exactly an emergency but just resently i have noticed that my male guppies back tails are looking worst for wear.

It started with one of them and i noticed a chunk missing out of it and it was bright red along the missing edge, so i assumed it had been nipped away.

Now this has happened to 2 of my 3 male guppies, and one of them has had 4 - 5 good nips out of it.

Im not thinking its fin rot as i thought there would be something more noticable than sudden missing chunks.

Anyone have any idea who in my tank might be doing this as they have all been fine for months and months and this has just started to happen in the last 2 weeks, and i have seen no harrasment in the tank towards the poor fellas.
It's more than likely they are doing it to each other, guppies like the ratio of at least 3 females to one male. It is likely just to be a territory thing, maybe think about getting more females. Danio's can be quite nippy, and having long finned guppies fluttering about near them might be more temptation than they can resist.
Are you positive that it's the fish taking chunks out of the tail as a red edging to the tail can be septicemia.
In another words blood poisoning and very hard to cure .

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