Male Guppies Prefer One Female


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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One of my female guppies is constantly bothered by the 2 males.

I have 4 blue tailed females and she is an oranged tailed. They do pester the biggest blue one now & again, but mostly she gets it! Even the baby male guppy is pestering her now. Sometimes the 3 guys are after her at once. It is not that long since she gave birth & i think theyre wearing her out.

Is it normal for males to prefer a particular female. The other females just get ignored.
well that female probably isnt pregnant yet and the best chances are that she will pass there genes on because the others are already preoccupied :lol: she will be fine but if you think there wearing her down to much keep her separated
Sometimes there are little things i like to call guppy love that effect this :wub: . Either it is what willtang3000 said or they just like her color or she looks hot to them :hey: .

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