Male fighter


New Member
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
I have a male fighter Ive had him about a year maybe more.
He has been in my comunity tank with zebra danio,neontetra,glass cats,swordtail platy,black neons,clown loaches, corydorus,s. He has appeared to be happy, and the other fish dont appear to have upset or attacked him, but suddenly he is hidding and looks realy ill. there is no sign of illness, and the other fish are fine. I moved him two days ago into his own tank, but there is no difference. could this be age. I know the same thing happened with the last one I had, who died after a few days in that state. Does any one know what is happening to my fighters.
Do you test the water for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph etc.?

Does his fins appeaar to be torn or tatty looking?

Does he eat?
The water is ok Ive just tested it. All other fish fine. fighter looks phisically ok,no sign of damage. just looks week as if he is starved or something although he is eating a bit if food comes near him, he is not chasing it only waits for it to come near him.
If you've had him at least a year, do you know how old he was when you got him? If it's a typical lfs Betta he could have been a year or more when you got him, making him well over 2 years now. If this is the case, then it could just be old age, I believe 2 years is the average lifespan for Bettas. Someone correct me if I am wrong there.


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