Male Convict Lloks Like He Has Swallowed A Golf Ball


New Member
Feb 8, 2009
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The body of my male convict has swollen up in the middle. It looks like he has swallowed a golf ball.
the scales are protruding out and he sinks really fast if he stops swimming.

please help
sounds like dropsy to me. not sure how to treat it maybe google it. wilder will know how to deal with it she is well clued up on meds etc. a photo would help too. good luck
Yes, this is dropsy. By the time you get pineconing (the scales sticking out) and the sort of distention you're talking about, the fish is suffering from multiple organ failure and it's extremely rare to have a case like this recover. If I were you I would probably euthanise the fish.
You need to look into what caused this - can we please have this info:
How big is the tank and what else is in it
Are any of the fish recent additions (what was added, how many and when)
How long has it been set up and how was it cycled
Water parameters (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH and temperature)
Are any of the other fish showing symptoms at all?
Are any of the fish in the tank thin or losing weight?

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