Male Cacatoides and Male Agassizi in 30 Gallon


Fish Crazy
Dec 16, 2004
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Yesterday I added a pair of cacatoides to my 30 gallon. Previously, the tank housed 1 male agassizi, 1 female agassizi and 1 female cacatoides. The male agassizi harrasses all of the other dwarfs but seems to especially pick on the male cockatoo. He seems pretty viscious and single minded in his attacks. Will these fish ever be able to get along in the same tank?

I have provided numerous rock caves and hiding spots but even when the cockatoo finds a cave the agassizi will sometimes go inside and flush him out then chase him around the tank. I'm not opposed to fish showing a little agression but the cockatoo doesn't seem able to defend himself. Of course, when I first introduced the agassizi the other female cockatoo in the tank was harrassing him. So maybe the tide will turn.
As you know... I'm new to the dwarf world as well...

Yet as a general cichlid rule of thumb, males often prove their dominance over new males. As long as no ones getting hurt I would let them go through their process. It does make sense to get a hospital tank ready to transfer the smaller male, but I would hold off it you want to eventually have all the fish in the same aquarium together.

Naturally if someone offers experienced advice specifically with dwarfs let that over ride my thoughts...
How heavily platned is your tank? If you haven't already, you should use some plants to break up the sight-line of the agassizi. But there will be a "fight" for dominance. You could try rearranging the tank decor so that the territories are disruptive. Then all of the fish would have to make new ones.
The tank is pretty heavily planted but I have it so that most of the plants are bunched on either side of the tank. This gives two seperate territories where fish can hide. Before I added the cockatoos to the tank I kind of rearranged the tank, creating a lot of little caves. The problem is that the agassizi thinks the whole tank is his territory and chases the cockatoo out of whatever cave he takes shelter in.

Maybe I should rearrange the plants so that there are more plants in the middle than on either end. I just wanted to make sure I had some open swimming areas for all my other fishes.

Here's a picture of the tank


It's actually a little more planted than that because my anacharis really grew in, but that's the basic setup. I also added a few more rocks creating additional little caves.
That is a nice tank :) , a 3 footer ?

How long has it been since you added the new cockatoos ?

The agassizi had a couple of weeks to himself in there , so to him it is his tank B) .

See if leaving the[ tank] light off longer slows down his aggression [ sometimes it works and sometimes no :/ ] , maybe move some stuff around .

See where they spend most of there time if in caves , turn them so they can't see each other , as pnyklr said try and break the line of sight if you can , and basically as nc_nutcase said , it's males being males . In time they'll sort it out [ some body has to be top dog/fish :)

As long as you don't see physical damage you should be fine , keep an eye on them , and give 'em some time :D .
Glad you guys like my tank. Yes, it's a three footer and the new cockatoos just arrived yesterday. I'll try leaving the lights off. I actually go dark during the day and I noticed this afternoon they were all resting somewhere - couldn't see them. I'll try turning the lights off earlier at night for a while. I think that will help.

It's funny with these dwarf cichlids and where they like to hang out. I've made several areas for them to hide and hang out. However, I've found them hiding in places I didn't think were big enough for a fish to be. I have a lot of stuff in the tank so they just make their own hideouts. I'll pay more attention to line of sight if they don't settle down in a couple of days.
FoundMoney said:
Glad you guys like my tank. Yes, it's a three footer and the new cockatoos just arrived yesterday. I'll try leaving the lights off. I actually go dark during the day and I noticed this afternoon they were all resting somewhere - couldn't see them. I'll try turning the lights off earlier at night for a while. I think that will help.

It's funny with these dwarf cichlids and where they like to hang out. I've made several areas for them to hide and hang out. However, I've found them hiding in places I didn't think were big enough for a fish to be. I have a lot of stuff in the tank so they just make their own hideouts. I'll pay more attention to line of sight if they don't settle down in a couple of days.
Will you be home all weekend , and looking at your fish ? :)

They slide into the most unlikely places at times , it makes them feel safe , but you'll find they will at the least temporarily use the ones you've created .

So now you have a total between them of 3 females and 2 males ?

sounds good :)
lucky62 said:
Will you be home all weekend , and looking at your fish ? :)

They slide into the most unlikely places at times , it makes them feel safe , but you'll find they will at the least temporarily use the ones you've created .

So now you have a total between them of 3 females and 2 males ?

sounds good :)
I have been home all day and been observing the tank as much as possible (without my wife getting jealous!). You're right, they have been darting in and out of my caves as well as their own little spots. The male cockatoo seems to have adopted the most spacious one (two bedroom, split level pad).

Yup, it's two female cockatoos and one female agassizi, one male cockatoo and one male agassizi. They all seem to be at least co-existing, even if the male agassizi is a bit of a bully.
Wives will do that :lol:

Glad they're settling in for you .

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