male betta


New Member
Jan 29, 2005
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I have a male betta in a 1 gallon tank.. I think he gets bored sometimes. I was wondering if there were any kind of fish that i could put in with him? The tank has a light and a Air Pump,It also says it has a filter but it doesen't work real well.. If somebody can answer my question i would appreciate it.
THe answer is... You shouldn't put anything with him. Hes not sad because hes lonely. If you absotively want a tank mate in your 1g... Put a snail in thats bigger than his head so it won't end up as lunch. You could try ghost shrimp too (larger the better). Ghost Shrimp will try to escape so keep it covered!
Whoops, didn't notice the one gallon :*) Give him a mirror twice a day for ten minutes :)

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