Male Betta


Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
southampton uk
hi all, have been reading all the faqs and links above but am still stuck on a few things.

i have just got a 45 litre tank, looking to get started on bettas.

i am confused as i would like a group of females but have been advised that they can nip each other.

would a single male be better? although i tend to feel this is a waste of space as tank is quite big.

i like the idea of group of females but not sure if they will be ok?

cheers all
Since you're new to bettas, I wouldn't start a soreity tank; and I don't know how big 45 liters is, but you need at least a 10 gal. I would go with:
- either a female or male betta
- snail or 2 ghost shrimp (Bettas have been known to eat them)
You're tank in roughly equal to 11 US gallons. If you want females, you need no more than 6 in that size tank. No less than 4, 6 would be best. The more fish the more the spread out their aggression. You will also need LOTS of hiding places for the girles, such as plants, caves ect. Yes the females can be aggressive and if you have one that is constantly terrorizing the others, you need to be prepared to move her. So 6 females, lots of hiding places and you should be ok, maybe get a couple of small cories, or african dwarf frogs to give your tank some character.

Heres a picture of my girls tank. its a 10 gallon, I have 6 female bettas, a juli cory, an emerald cory, and an africa dwarf frog

45 Litres is about 10 Gallons.

What I would do is get a divider to split the tank into two 5 Gallon sections, and then get two bettas. :)
Your tank is fine for a group of females. Just make sure that you have lots of hiding places, keep 4-6 of them, and make sure the fishies are used to being kept with other females.
There are a few different ways you can go about dividing a tank. The first is to buy one, which usually cost around $10 each. There are a few different ways you can make one, this being the easiest and cheapest. It's what I use, and it works great. If you want one that looks more professional, you can make one using plexiglass, such as this one.

A topic on another way to make a divider:

And a FAQ on betta tankmates:

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