Male Betta + Red Male Swordtail

i think they would be able to live together. i was looking at your tanks. your tank with the betta and it looks a little over-crowded. Does it look that way to anyone else?
Forgot to update my profile. I pulled the neons back out of the betta's tank. The LFS didn't ask me what size tank I had when I got the fish. I just added the two gallon over the weekend. Was thinking of moving the swordtail to the betta tank and leaving the neons with the guppy in the three gallon.
i have a friend who had a betta and a swordtail in a ten gal with a ton of live plants and decorations. they lived happily together and spent most of their time chasing each other 'round the tank. in a smaller tank, they might have space issues but you could try. good luck with it and let us know :)

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