Male betta in 10G Tank with Cherry Barbs


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Reaction score
Ottawa (Canada)
Well, new to this forum. Though I would share my exp. with my latest acquisition.

Male betta with some Cherry Barbs in a 10G tank. Everyone's happy, been all living together for 1 month now. Oh the Pleco doesn't seem to mind either........was told that bettas must be kept alone, glad that a little reading and trying something new worked out.......if it ever changes, got myself a safety tank for him :lol:
welcome to TFF SnowJob

sounds like youve found yourself a good combo, ive found that bettas will go with most fish( except nippy fish nd guppies) can go with bettas(especially female) as long as they have the same water requirements.
Just be warned that certain things can set bettas off.
For instance, the way the wind is blowing outside.
Be prepared for a messy fight - or to come home to one or several of your fishes missing body parts.

Hopefully that won't happen but just be prepared that it can.
Good luck!
I also just wanted to let you know that Cherry Barbs are fin nippers. I am unsure why yours haven't been nipping at your beta but IMHO they will begin to do it soon.

Good luck however.
Thanks for the intel everyone ! So far so good !

I agree, the wind is blowing outside and my betta is having mood swings tonight ! :rofl:

Then again, he's got his favorite corner with planty of plants and cover and everyone leaves him alone.......

I've also got a female in another tank with some platies and some danios......again, things there seem to be going alright but I'll keep an eye on those danios........

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