male betta ,cories catfish with platies


New Member
Apr 20, 2004
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30 litres tank ,one male betta ,5 cories catfish ,getting along together... can i put some platies to my tank :sad:
I had exactly the same setup you did but had 3 platys as well and they all got along fine so I would say yes but I would wait for a second opinion :D

30L is about 8G right? platties are fine with bettas but i would be careful not to overstock your tank. If you put in just a pair of platties or something (maybe a trio) it would probably work :thumbs:
yeah 30 L=8 gallons i think :D i dunno what to put !!! but i`m thinking of putting guppies rather than platies.... any advice ?
guppies and bettas don't go :( the guppies usually have a very fancy tail that the betta sees as competition (and could possibly think of it as another betta), and cuase him to attack the guppies, which is a bad thing because chances are both sides will be hurt.

so with the 1 male and 5 cories you already have 6 fish, i'd suggest you just get a pair of platties to top it off and you should probably stop there for now :thumbs:
Hi skulls :)

If you have an 8 gallon tank with one betta and 5 corys you might well be overstocked already. What kind of corys do you have? :unsure:
i have 5 Corydoras Catfish (bronze) ,they are still young 8) and i feed them with JBL nova tab ,both male betta and catfish :D

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