Male Betta Attacked By Female


New Member
Jan 2, 2011
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Dear All

I have had 1 male and 1 female Betta in my community tank for 8 months with no issues whatsoever. Yesterday, totally out of the blue the female severely attacked the male. She flared her facial fins and chased him nipping his fins until they are torn to shreds :( Thankfully, he is still alive. This was very out of character for her although I had been told/warned (on here) it could happen at any time only a few days before. I feel I've let him down. Anyway, moving on......

The female has been removed from the tank and taken back to the shop because I can't risk her doing it again.

The male has been quarantined in a 28 litre 'hospital' tank with filter, heater etc but no light in the hope the darkness will help keep him calm.

What else can I do to make him feel comfortable and hopefully make a full recovery?
Warm, good quality water, I fed my betta lots of high protein food live and frozen.

Just takes time,

Optional: if he's in bad condition or not moving much, put him in in a floating tank so he can get to the surface easier or lower the water of your aquarium/hospital tank
Thanks for your reply.

My Betta is swimming (slowly but surely!) and has eaten a couple of frozen bloodworms :)

He looks happy enough (though extremely 'scruffy') so I'm keeping everything crossed now that he will be OK
I thought I'd add a photo so you can see the damage to my boy.

I'm really hoping to have the success you've had in nursing him back to health.

The stress and injuries must have been too much for my boy - he died this afternoon :(


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