Male Betta and female in same tank?


New Member
Apr 27, 2004
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Hello I have a 2.5 gallon mini-bow tank with one male betta. I know that two males can't be put together. I was wondering if I could put a female in with him? If that won't work I'd like to give him some other tankmate. Maybe a african dwarf frog? I am open to suggestions.
I think that unless you've got a femal that you are wanting to breed, you are prepared for the fry, and she's willing that they don't usually live together for more then the "moment". Several folks keep a small cory or two with their betta as they tend to use dif levels of the tank for the most part and the corys don't spend all day trying to think of ways to shread the betta's fins. A 2.5 is fairly small so add fish carefully.

I think you'll find in a tank that small he'll just attack her constantly.. not really a good idea.. I know of people who keep their bettas in much bigger tanks with a ratio of around 6 females to a male......
if u want a female u have to get at leas 2 becuz he will make the one female misreble and at least a 5 or 10 gal tank dem
:hi: to the forum. Intorduce yourself in the newbie section.

I would not try getting a female for your male.:no: that's just asking for trouble. he'll end up killing her before, during, or after mating. Either way, she won't survive unless you read up on breeding (if that's what you want to do).

You could get 2 females, but that might be a bit taxing on that tank.

You could put and ADF and/or shrimp in the tank with the betta if you want to add other animals in there.:nod:
Thanks to everyone who responded to my post. I'm definitely not getting a female betta now. I'm going to do research on the cory, ghost shrimp, and adf. Thanks for the advice. Thanks tempestuousfury for the welcome. :)

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