Male Beta, Question..


New Member
Oct 10, 2003
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As i posted in my intro, i got a new Beta tongiht, - Male. My Little girl also talked my into getting a.. uhh.. UGH, cant remember what he's called now. :S lol. Its a little frog, and i do mean little. Cant be longer then one inch. I hope, ya'll know what im talking about. Anyhow.. can i put him and my beta in the same tank? I ask because.. The other beta i had was a mean little poop head. I added him to my tank with 2 small goldfish in it.. No longer then it took me to do the dishes he had eaten one of the goldfishs' tailfins! So i moved him back into his bowl. Now when i bought this new beta tonight, i seen other betas swimming freely with other fish of all kinds. I ask the man that helped up if i could do this, put the Beta in with the frog, and my one remaining goldfish. He said i could. Females will attack other females, and males if its not time to breed. but a male beta fish would do fine. As i drove home i stared thinking about this. My other male fish didnt do 'fine' i started thinking to myself.. Do you think he could have meant FEMALE will fo fine in the tank w/ the frog? I'm just not sure if i should add the beta to the tank.
thank for any help you can offer
Hugs, Smerfy :wub:
well i not to sure about a frong and a male betta, but i know you can put them in your tank with other fish, a bought a male betta about 2 months now and i was questioning my self if i should put him in but i did anyways but watched him for a hour or even more he is friendly with the other fishes but flared at the other fishes if they came around him but then after a day he was so happy to have a bigger home and he didn't care any more, but with your frog now i think it might be ok but keep a good eye out for a few hours to see how he is with the frog it could go badly or it could go good but keep me up dated on what you do and good luck :)
The frog you have is probably an ADF (African dwarf frog). They are usually fine with bettas, the only problem I have heared with this senario was the frog nipping on the bettas fins. The frogs are really slow, so I dont know if I believe this much. They should be fine together.
it may be an African Clawed Frog, but it's most likely a Dwarf. ADF's and Bettas get along extremely well in most cases; i can often find my boys playing tag or hide-n-go-seek together, it's cute to watch.

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