Male Australe Beating Up Female


Fish Fanatic
May 24, 2007
Reaction score
El Paso, Texas, US
My male Australe has recently started to beat up on the female to the point of taking chunks out of her fins. I gave up on getting eggs for awhile and just plunked in a bunch of decorations and plastic plants to give the female a bunch of hiding spots until she is healed. Any idea as to why he is being such a jerk to his woman? Lol Water parameters are perfect and they are the only occupants of a 10g if it matters any. I just moved them to my new apartment but he was beating up on her before too. Female is fat with lots of eggs and male is in good shape too. He's just being really rough with her.
Yhis is common in Killifish circles whereby the male harrasses the female even to the point of death. The answer lies in getting another female (trio) make some very dense synthetic floating mops. Some males are more avid than others, looks like you have a real meanie. The tank size too comes into play try seperation (divider) for a short while and condition them on livefood. Then remove the divider and let them breed for a couple of days then divide the tank again.
Okay, I have them separated for now. I will see if the breeder has any extra females or I could wait for a few of the fry to grow up enough to put in there. Do you know about how long it takes them to go from fry to mature adult?
You can get Australe up to breeding size in around 3-5 months providing that you waterchange religously and feed a varied diet including Live and Frozen Food.

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