Male And Female


Feb 18, 2006
Reaction score
Wigan, England
I've been browsing the faqs, and been told they can't be kept together but why not?

I know that a male would oversex just one female but whats wrong with 1 male 3 female?
I think he would get frustrated and kill 1 or more of the females, i'm not expert but when I had my female (before she died when my brother put her in his tank and his female killed her) my male kept hassling my female and she just kept swimming away and she looked like she needed a rest, but I had a bad start with my bettas as I put them in hot water (i thought it was warm) and they nearly died.
They ALL fight. The males chase the females constantly and the females duke it out savagely for the male’s attention. I made the mistake of once putting a female community beside a male’s tank and the male was always trying to get at the girls through the glass and then the girls starting going at it. They really tried to murder each other.

When I got my first PK male, I thought it was a girl (Wuv didn’t tell me she’s sent a male lol!) and put him with the other females. He chased and bit them constantly and I was sitting there like, “Why is she such a *****?” In about a half hour I figured out that was no female. XD

Now you know.
Lmao, we all start somewhere. I wasn't even sure what the difference between a male and female was until I went back to the shop to get a male/female to breed it with!
My females (one in particular) are so aggressive, that I still wonder if they are really male PKs. I think I have to separate out all these females. :/

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