Male Acf Mating Call


each one of my males has a certain pitch and rhythm so we always know who is keeping us up at night! They usually have more of a back and forth rhythm but Phantom was REALLY insistent last night and was doing his calls in rapid session.

I went to bed around 9 last night (i get up early for work) and when I went into the bedroom he was already doing his mating call. I recorded this video/sound clip at 230 am and he had not yet stopped calling - - not sporadically but a constant call. He finally, excuse my language, SHUT UP around 3 am - one hour before I had to get up to head to work. needless to say I am exhausted!!

I went for a walk yesteday past a frog breeding ground and you could hear them all (like in your sound clip) so I imagine having one in your house when you are trying to sleep is rather annoying lol.

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