Malaysian Trumpet Snails....


Fish Addict
Mar 11, 2006
Reaction score
Manchester - UK (Blue Side)
Since my tank is heavily planted and has a sand substrate i`ve been wondering whether to get a MTS or two to turn the sand over (by burrowing in the sand)

Sounds a great idea, but heard they breed like crazy and certainly don`t want to be infested by them!

any opinions....
How big is the tank? Judging by the size of an mts, I doubt just one would do much for stirring the sand. Also, they breed like crazy when there's excess food in the tank. I started with 50 mts in my 60 gal. and they surely aren't taking over.
i think that if you keep the temp as low as possible the young should not survive. so when u get to the desired amount turn the heat down a few degrees. tho snails aint my thing :p
get 10/15 of them, they only breed if there is an excess of food in the tank (a good indication to ease off on the food if it happens). i have them in all tanks and are actually quite cool to look at when they get big. (2cm ish)

dont buy them though, most LFS will give them away if your buying fish or plants. they see them as pests.

if you dont have any luck put a post on the Buy/Sell thread and someone will post you some. i would but as i only feed my fish tiny amounts i dont have too many to share around.

you will only see 1 or 2 during daylight as the rest will have burrowed. they all come out after lights out for a rummage.
Cheers guys,

Yea i wasn`t gonna buy them, someone on the site has offered to send me some for free!

The tank is only 24x12x15 inch so if they grow to 2cm is 10-15 not gonna be too many? Also i have plant compost under about 1 1/2 inch of sand, will they not churn it all up too much?

the bigger one's can uproot newly planted glosso, but not all of em, just a few plantlets here and there :) i give MTS a thumbs up actually hehehe

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