Malaysian Trumpet Snails?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 29, 2005
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Hey, might be getting some malaysian trumpets if it's ok with you guys!!!

Please give comments as i don't know that much about them. . .

Thanks - Enthusiast - :thumbs:
They are great I never see mine and they do a really good job at keeping down algea and left over fish food. They also help areate the soil which is good for plants roots. Kind of like worms in the garden.

Some people don't like them simply because of the thought of snail infestation but they are easily kept down. I have never had a big problem simply because there is hardly any food for them.

Unlike several adverts I have seen on ebay say, they are not hard to to find or rare in any way.

I am offering some in trade for aquatic moss by the way(hint,hint) :p
They are great I never see mine and they do a really good job at keeping down algea and left over fish food.

Some people don't like them simply because of the thought of snail infestation but they are easily kept down. I have never had a big problem simply because there is hardly any food for them.

I am offering some in trade for aquatic moss by the way(hint,hint) :p

what kind of moss do you want? moss balls? etc. . .
Moss balls are an option. Although I am more interested in Java moss, christmas moss etc.

If interested PM me what ever you have to offer. I am happy to consider other alternatives.
Moss balls are an option. Although I am more interested in Java moss, christmas moss etc.

If interested PM me what ever you have to offer. I am happy to consider other alternatives.
duznt this make u jealous lol!! I will order some to trade with you. How much would it cost for u to post since i am in birmingham?


- Enthusiast - :thumbs:
Sorry can't see the pic. I blame my computer.

What is it? Postage is nothing if you pay postage to me I will pay postage to you.

Basically I think I will just send them in a very small plastic container in an envelope so all it will cost is a first class stamp :D
Sorry can't see the pic. I blame my computer.

What is it? Postage is nothing if you pay postage to me I will pay postage to you.

Basically I think I will just send them in a very small plastic container in an envelope so all it will cost is a first class stamp :D

sorri mate, thats the pic not your computer - it was of a tank full of java moss lol

How much java do you want? i might put it in water in a jiffy bag or somethin. . . . Would you be ok with that?

I am currently completely broke soz lol, how long are you interested for and if i couldnt get any moss how much money would you want? :thumbs: thanks a lot dude! :D

B) Hope to do business soon B)

- Enthuiast -
Just a reasonable sized clump there is no need to send me loads(not that I wouldn't like it :drool: )

And as long as it gets her in good condition send it anyway you want.

I really would rather not go down the path of charging money as I would be a quite a bit more hassel for both of us.

Would need to wait till the snow has passed anyway. Just contact me when you are in the possition to swap. :D

Hope you will talk buisness soon :thumbs:

Sorry but I think I probably get better quality water up here anyway. You can't beat scottish water :D

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