Malaysian Trumpet Snail


Fish Fanatic
Jan 23, 2008
Reaction score
Virginia - western mountains
I have read the "good" things about what these guys can do for my deep substrate. Are there any or should I say, can you enlighten me on their "bad" attributes? My main concern is about population control (with the snails), but I also don't want a lot of slimmy trails all over everything either.
I have read the "good" things about what these guys can do for my deep substrate. Are there any or should I say, can you enlighten me on their "bad" attributes? My main concern is about population control (with the snails), but I also don't want a lot of slimmy trails all over everything either.

Not a single "bad" attribute I can think of, my friend. Population will soon be out of your control, as every one of them will be having babies, so your substrate will, in time, be 90% snails – but this is not a bad thing! They will not eat your live plants; they will not leave a slimy trail over anything [neither will any other aquatic snail, for that matter] and you will hardly ever see them beavering away, keeping your substrate clean and well turned-over.
Best under-gravel filter you will ever buy, IMO...

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