Malaysian Snail Info


Fish Herder
Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
New York, USA
mods, if you can move this post to the proper spot as i am not sure where to put it i would appreciate it

ok here is my question... i have heard from multiple people that malaysian snails will eat anything on the bottom of the tank. this includes leftover food, algae (from side of glass) and fish waste (poop). i know for fact that they will eat the algae ans left over food, but do they really eat fish poop?

if so that would be great and save me time on cleaning the tank so often. fish poop is the main cause of this :D
As far as i know they wont eat fish poop- they'd quite literally rather eat their own young rather than poo :fun: .
You should only need to to do a 30% water change and subtrate cleaning session once a week, with a quick filter semi-cleanout in tank water once every 10days-2weeks+ :) .
well i heard that from somewhere so i just decided to ask. i really don't like snails and didn't want to get them. that was going ot be my only reason for getting them. i might go with shrimp. i heard that they not only eat algae, they eat leftover food, and they also eat deritrus (sp) (the nasty stuff that breaks down from fish waste and left over foods)

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