Malawi Or Tangs?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 6, 2011
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I'm new and have started my 240ltr Fluval Roma tank on a fishless cycle. Firstly I don't seem to be able to post anywhere except the Welcome Topics?? Is this because I'm new?? Secondly I'm struggling to decide between the Malawis and the Tangs. I like the colours of the malawis but like the diversity of the Tangs :/
If I choose the Tangs, I was thinking of these fish but not sure how they'll get on. I have lots of holey ocean rock and shells.

1 Altolamprologus
2-3 cyprichromis Jumbo Kitumba
1 Leleupi
1 Neolamprologus tretocephalus
2-3 Telmatochromis temporalis
1 Synodontis Dhonti

I know the leleupi and 5 bar can be vicious but not always but being individuals will this curb them? Opinions greatly received.
I'm new and have started my 240ltr Fluval Roma tank on a fishless cycle. Firstly I don't seem to be able to post anywhere except the Welcome Topics?? Is this because I'm new?? Secondly I'm struggling to decide between the Malawis and the Tangs. I like the colours of the malawis but like the diversity of the Tangs :/
If I choose the Tangs, I was thinking of these fish but not sure how they'll get on. I have lots of holey ocean rock and shells.

1 Altolamprologus
2-3 cyprichromis Jumbo Kitumba
1 Leleupi
1 Neolamprologus tretocephalus
2-3 Telmatochromis temporalis
1 Synodontis Dhonti

I know the leleupi and 5 bar can be vicious but not always but being individuals will this curb them? Opinions greatly received.

Malawi if you're after nice colours, Tangs for an interesting tank :good:
The cyps are better in a group, I think it's the same for jumbo ones, altos are fearly peaceful even though they look prehistoric :good:
Leleupi, Trets and even Telmats could make an interesting tank, pretty agressive stuff though,,,
you could have some nice cyps, a shell dweller pair/group and some altos.
My own plan for the same tank consists of Cyps, Kungweesis, Caudopunctataus :good:
Hope this helps :unsure:
Tang's! :hyper: but then again I am a bit bias......

Nice tank choice (bias again! :shifty: )
Not long ago i asked the same thing and after alot of reading up ect
i decided tangs, ALTHOUGH i still aint managed to get a tank yet LOL :-(

x2 on the tank choice B-)
Thanks for the input much appreciated, Tangs it is! Now just need to decide on which ones???
Hi just breezing over your post as I'm at the same point of choosing stock?? Let me know what you decide on. Im still unsure whether to keep a group of one or two species, whether that is advisable, or a mixture of tangs??? What are your thoughts. I have a 35g (UK). 3ft x 18 x 15. Sorry for hijacking your post
Get some Neolamprologus Brichardi - The Fairy Cichlid. They're definately a very interesting addition to any tang tank. Not too aggressive and very elegant. :good:
Not too aggressive and very elegant
..elegant yes but they can be very aggressive, especially when breeding. they will take over the biggest tanks.

wise choice not getting the multies minnt by the way.
Better in a species tank and watching all the generations grow together :good:
Fairies are actually one of my favourite and I have kept them before but in a 6ft community tank. I am aware that they can be aggressive in a smaller tank so that is why I hadn't considered them really BUT now with you mentioning species tank though.....mmmmmm that has me thinking :) Malawakiwhite have you decided yet on what you might stock?

I'm not fully decided but I'd like a shellie like multies, kungeensis or ornapinnis, then a few caudopunctus, and a calvus. Then undecided but will probably get a group of cyps for the open water and deliberating over a single N. Tretocephalus and hope he isn't too aggressive on his own when he grows up. Otherwise a dickfeldi or gombe but not sure these appeal too much. If anyone loves them please let me know why as I maybe converted???
If you get some julies try for transcriptus as they grow smaller, smaller territory. I have some marlieri juvies atm that seem pretty cool.
How would calvus as a species tank go?? Is this advisable?? I like how strange looking they are :)
Not great mate. Two males just wont co exist. It can work with more females but a pair is the norm. By all means start out with 6 juvies though and wait for a pait to form.
I'm not fully decided but I'd like a shellie like multies, kungeensis or ornapinnis, then a few caudopunctus, and a calvus. Then undecided but will probably get a group of cyps for the open water and deliberating over a single N. Tretocephalus and hope he isn't too aggressive on his own when he grows up. Otherwise a dickfeldi or gombe but not sure these appeal too much. If anyone loves them please let me know why as I maybe converted???

Had a single Dickfeldi in a 95ltr/20gsll with a punk a and a group of multies and no problems, it claimed a very small territory in the rocks and kept the Multies out, in turn the Multies kept it off the shells :good:
I took note of a comment that it looked lonely on it's own so added more, bad idea, once they paired up, they kicked 7 shades of s**t out of the odd Dickfeldi... very nice fish, unusual swimmin, and as it has a downwards mouth it was quite funny watching it swimming upside down to catch food falling through the water column :good:

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