Making the switch from salwater to African tank


New Member
Oct 11, 2003
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South Florida
I run a wet/dry 90 gallon saltwater and will be turing it over to an African Cichlid tank soon. I have only one Queen Chonch living in there and as soon as I get down to the beach I will put her back into the Atlantic. I get all my water there so she should do fine. I love her and hate to see her go :wub: but I am ready for something new.

My question about Africans is this. Can ones from the 3 different lakes be placed together in the same tank or should I choose ones from all the same lake.

Also, Can someone here recommend the Bible of Ciclid books for me?

Thanks all, lot's of good info on here! :)
Hi wls
IMO its best to stick to one lake, but if you are going to mix please,please only do it with malawi and tanganyika, as lake victoria's cichlids are threatened by introduced species and you should only keep them if you intend to breed them and are happy to move the fry on so that the gene pools can be kept as large as possible

As for a book I have seen one at one of the lfs I will try and get its title and all relevent details if i can and post them here.

David :fish:
as far as africians go it is best to keep to only one lake. I currently have a fairly understocked 75 gallon malawi tank.

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