Making Pleco Happy


New Member
Dec 12, 2011
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I have had my pleco for about 6 years, upgrading from time to time. I recently lost my Honduran red point cichlid who was his tank mate for 6 years and now just want to make my pleco happy. My question to you is what are your ideas on the best setup for my pleco? (Best diet, substrate, deco/hideouts, tank temp, Ph etc.) Right now I have a 30 gallon tank 30 inches long, 18 inches tall. (Is an upgrade necessary?) I give him omega one veggie flakes, with a bit of tropical flake (submerged.) The temp is currently 80 degrees. I have gravel as my substrate, a pump with a bar air stone (about 4 inches long) heater and aqua clear filter)

I've read that I can give him fresh foods such as zucchini and lettuce as well as peas so I will start to do this. Should he have fresh food everyday? Also I've learned I should give him driftwood. I work at a pet store which sells driftwood, but the last thing I want to do is to contaminate my tank. Is there a place anyone knows of to get some good quality driftwood? I know that plecos like the dark but should I turn off the light completely? Or should I keep it like I have (approx. 12 hours light 12 hours dark)?

This might sound silly, but can he get lonely? His tank mate wasn't very nice to him (she was territorial) and I have read on this forum that plecos can also be Territorial. Mine was never aggressive to my red point who was a lot smaller than him, he pretty much would just hide out from her in his castle ornament.

On a different note, my Ph from my tap is very low, (comes out of the faucet 6.0). I really don't like to add chemicals to my tank unless absolutely necessary, what's the best way to raise it?


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that looks to me like a common plec, which can/should grow to well over 18 inches - these fish should have very big tanks, im talking 5-6 foot minimum. they are proper poo machines so not only does the big tank accomodate their physical size, more water = less chance of ammonia poisoning. how big is he ? fish can be stunted if kept in tanks too small which may have happened here. i dont know how long it takes a common to get to full size, but 6 years is quite a while.

they dont need fresh veg everyday, i only put it in as a treat once or twice a week.

do you have any algae growth ? algae is a sign of too much light, 8 hours is the generally accepted maximum amount, but if you dont have algae then i guess it doesnt matter.

why dont you get driftwood from your workplace :blink: do you not trust it ? :lol: simply pouring hot/boiling water over wood and giving it a quick scrub is plenty, as long as its wood actually meant for a fishtank. as long as he has something to hide against/under/in/behind, it will be enough. substrate doesnt matter, will probably eat almost anything you put in. algae tabs, fresh veg, bloodoworm. your ph is at the lower end of what it likes, so i wouldnt worry about it. you will probably find your tank water has a different ph to your tap, as it changes a bit over time in a tank.

i wouldnt put loads of wood in though, as his will reduce your ph further. 1 or 2 bits will be ok. some plecs actually eat the wood, i dont think common's do though.
Plecos do eat wood, so driftwood is necessary for their well being. And a 30g tank really is much too small. The problem with keeping a fish in too small a tank is that their bodies are stunted but their internal organs are not, so the older they get the bigger their organs get in a body that won't accommodate their growing organs.
Plecos do eat wood, so driftwood is necessary for their well being. And a 30g tank really is much too small. The problem with keeping a fish in too small a tank is that their bodies are stunted but their internal organs are not, so the older they get the bigger their organs get in a body that won't accommodate their growing organs.

im pretty sure not all plecos eat wood, and i think only one 'type' (genus?) do, the panaque ones.
Commons definitely chew wood, mine loves it!

75 Gallon+ minimum for a common - 5ft Minimum, A 30G just wont do it.
Fish looks to be P. joselimaianus, already appears to be too big for the tank it is housed in.

Most plecos will eat aufwuchs from wood, only Panaque need it in their diet as already stated.
My plec went from 1.5 inch to 9inch in the past 11 months so if yours is now were near a foot i would say damage already done.
As for wood i didnt have any for the first 6 months and he was fine.
When i added it he immediatly switched it to his new hidey hole and constantly chomps on it.
Not critisizing just my experience.

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