Making My Own Filters Without Activated Carbon

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Feb 28, 2006
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Amarillo, Tx
here are instructions for DIY filter cartrige
(this is assuming you are using a bio-wheel or a another bio-media filter)

Clear Aquarium silicone rubber sealant
Filter pad of you choosing
plastic sewing grid (mesh and easy to measure and cut straight)

step 1.
Using old filter device measure plastic grid and make cuts using old filter media until it matches the plastic on your old media

step 2.
cut filter pad to fit on top of platic grid

step 3.
put silicone dots on the corners to attach filter pad to grid

step 4.
place object on new filter until silicone dries (24-48 hrs)

Working on all my tanks at the moment i can make about 4-6 filters on about $10 U.S. by doing it this way.
Sounds like it might work as long as (it looks like you have a bio-wheel) the wheel keeps spinning. My grandpa made his own filters and all he did was take this material and hot glue it onto old cartridges.

As long as you are replicating the thickness of the original media it should work. I've stuffed various types of foam & floss into filters designed for cartriges, the only problem is going too thick with it, impeding water flow.

It should be fine without the carbon, I don't run carbon on any of my tanks unless I am removing meds.
good to know ty in a hob can I add one of those mesh bags with ceramic beads or other stuff in it for more bio filter oh yeah and does cycle work i've heard bio spira does but ppl are mixed with cycle
I've never tried cycle, everything I've heard about it is that it's junk.
Any non-refrigerated bacteria source for cycling a tank is a waste of $ IMO. There is no way the cultures can survive more than a few days or a week at room temp, even in the presence of food sources in those tiny bottles. If they are not chilled or frozen the colonies will grow within a week, eat all the ammonia in the bottle, and then starve to death, if they do not die from lack of O2 first. Chilling is necessary to slow their metabolism
I'm with Tolak...I haven't run carbon in my tank for more than a year without problems. SH
I'm with Tolak...I haven't run carbon in my tank for more than a year without problems. SH

thanks for the replies all, the filtr is probably 1/4" thinner due to there being not plasic holding the carbon. The filter media itself is the same thickness. I am running now on all tanks with no problems what so ever. I will keep everyone posted if anything changes.
I'm with Tolak...I haven't run carbon in my tank for more than a year without problems. SH
I'm with Tolak and steelhealr, I havnt never used carbon for 40y and anyway, 'activated' carbon doesn't last, effectivly, for more than a few hours (if that) in a densly populated tropical fish tank :( After which it just becomes yet another surface for bacteria to live upon, just like floss ,,

agree totaly which is why i wanted to make this how-to...not only does it save a buttload of money on replacing filters, it gives your tank more bio media to work with without having the carbon kill or filter it.
You don't even need to do this to save a butt load of money on filter cartidges. I never change them, I rinse them out in old tank water until the water coming out of them is as close to clear as possible. It washes out minimal bacteria and works for me!

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