Making A Sponge Filter...


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
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Uk, Nottinghamshire
I can't find a single thing to actually use as the 'uplift tube'.
As in the tube the air stone will go in. I want to make the filter into a clear tubing is neccesary. I can't find any anywhere though...
Also, what sponges are usable.

Reasons for me wanting to make my own as opposed to buying aren't because of money. More because I want something specially made to fit the tank I buy etc.
But I don't really want to be paying more than I would be paying for a readymade sponge filter

So for £6ish I need a sponge and a clear plastic tube(not too wide)...preff with an extra spare sponge and something to seal the bottom of the tube.

I was thinking last night..and I thought of the tubes that are attatched to plastic candy canes and have smarties in...that's the best I could come up with though and wouldn't know where to get one from.
Why do you need airstones and a powerhead
any plastic tube would do

something like a icecream tub or large clear yoghurt pot would do as a container

you dont really need an air stone and without one, larger bubbles are produced which creates more of a pull on the surrounding water, pulling more water into it.

as for a tube could you use hose pipe, i did that

and sponges could be any kind of filter media, you could take some from an existing filter if you have one which will mean you wont have to cycle it. with a sponge, if you place it to you mouth and can breathe through it then it is fine. dont use kitchen sponges because they are made of cellulose and can rot

good luck!
Thing is, I planned to make a feature of it.
So in the 'uplift tube' I was going to put some very small objects...kid safe marble type things (if you can picture that).
Stick a lil bit of fine mesh over the top of the tube

And voila, bubbles and shiny things bobbing up and down that aren't going to rot, and are secured from escaping.
What do you think?

And as a side note, this will be for a 10l shrimp tank (when I eventually buy one)
So it needs to be quite small.

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